| 1/20 | M-FOIL | Akroma, Angelo della Furia Akroma, Angel of Fury |
| | mint / near mint | | MG-V15-0001-e | € 5,00 | |
| 2/20 | M-FOIL | Akroma, Angelo della Distruzione Akroma, Angel of Wrath |
| | mint / near mint | | MG-V15-0002-e | € 7,00 | |
| 3/20 | M-FOIL | Arcangelo del Conflitto Archangel of Strife |
| | mint / near mint | | MG-V15-0003-e | € 2,50 | |
| 4/20 | M-FOIL | Aurelia, la Condottiera Aurelia, the Warleader |
| | mint / near mint | | MG-V15-0004-e | € 3,00 | |
| 5/20 | M-FOIL | Avacyn, Angelo della Speranza Avacyn, Angel of Hope |
| | mint / near mint | | MG-V15-0005-e | € 30,00 | |
| 6/20 | M-FOIL | Angelo Flagellatore Baneslayer Angel |
| | mint / near mint | | MG-V15-0006-e | € 9,00 | |
| 7/20 | M-FOIL | Supplicare gli Angeli Entreat the Angels |
| | mint / near mint | | MG-V15-0007-e | € 6,00 | |
| 8/20 | M-FOIL | Angelo Eminente Exalted Angel |
| | mint / near mint | | MG-V15-0008-e | € 2,50 | |
| 9/20 | M-FOIL | Iona, Scudo di Emeria Iona, Shield of Emeria |
| | mint / near mint | | MG-V15-0009-e | € 9,00 | |
| 10/20 | M-FOIL | Angelo Iridescente Iridescent Angel |
| | mint / near mint | | MG-V15-0010-e | € 2,50 | |
| 11/20 | M-FOIL | Jenara, Asura della Guerra Jenara, Asura of War |
| | mint / near mint | | MG-V15-0011-e | € 3,00 | |
| 12/20 | M-FOIL | Angelo dei Fulmini Lightning Angel |
| | mint / near mint | | MG-V15-0012-e | € 2,50 | |
| 13/20 | M-FOIL | Angelo di Platino Platinum Angel |
| | mint / near mint | | MG-V15-0013-e | € 9,00 | |
| 14/20 | M-FOIL | Angelo di Serra Serra Angel |
| | mint / near mint | | MG-V15-0014-e | € 2,50 | |
| 15/20 | M-FOIL | Tariel, Stimatrice di Anime Tariel, Reckoner of Souls |
| | mint / near mint | | MG-V15-0015-e | € 3,00 | |