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Magic the Gathering | Duel Decks Divine vs Demonic reprint
Duel Decks Divine vs Demonic reprint
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 CARTE SINGOLE - Carte singole Per numero
vengono visualizzate tutte le carte della serie e le verisoni Foil disponibili, non vengono visualizzate le altre eventuali ristampe della carta
1/62MAkroma, Angelo della Distruzione
 Akroma, Angel of Wrath
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0001-e€ 15,00
non disponibile
2/62USacerdote di Icatia
 Icatian Priest
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0002-e€ 0,50
3/62CPaggio Angelico
 Angelic Page
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0003-e€ 0,25
4/62CPaladino in Carica
 Charging Paladin
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0004-e€ 0,25
5/62CMonaco Venerabile
 Venerable Monk
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0005-e€ 0,25
6/62UProtettore Angelico
 Angelic Protector
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0006-e€ 0,50
7/62USostenitore di Serra
 Serra Advocate
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0007-e€ 0,50
8/62USostenitrice del Regno
 Sustainer of the Realm
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0008-e€ 0,50
9/62UAngelo della Misericordia
 Angel of Mercy
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0009-e€ 0,50
10/62RAngelo di Serra
 Serra Angel
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0010-e€ 2,50
11/62RPastorella del Crepuscolo
 Twilight Shepherd
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0011-e€ 1,50
non disponibile
12/62RAngelo Luminoso
 Luminous Angel
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0012-e€ 4,50
13/62RReya Dawnbringer
 Reya Dawnbringer
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0013-e€ 8,00
non disponibile
14/62CBalsamo Curaferite
 Healing Salve
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0014-e€ 0,25
15/62CCanto dell'Angelo
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0015-e€ 0,25
non disponibile
16/62UViaggio Extramondo
 Otherworldly Journey
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0016-e€ 1,50
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0017-e€ 0,25
18/62UDono di Serra
 Serra's Boon
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0018-e€ 0,50
19/62UProtezione Angelica
 Angelic Benediction
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0019-e€ 1,50
20/62CPastoie della Fede
 Faith's Fetters
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0020-e€ 0,25
21/62UAbbraccio di Serra
 Serra's Embrace
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0021-e€ 0,50
22/62UGiusta Causa
 Righteous Cause
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0022-e€ 0,50
23/62UPiuma di Angelo
 Angel's Feather
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0023-e€ 0,50
non disponibile
24/62UDiamante del Marmo
 Marble Diamond
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0024-e€ 0,50
25/62CSteppa Isolata
 Secluded Steppe
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0025-e€ 0,50
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0026-e€ 0,25
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0027-e€ 0,25
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0028-e€ 0,25
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0029-e€ 0,25
30/62MSignore dell'Abisso
 Lord of the Pit
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0030-e€ 7,00
31/62CCustode del Portale Abissale
 Abyssal Gatekeeper
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0031-e€ 0,25
32/62CDemonietto Fetido
 Foul Imp
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0032-e€ 0,25
33/62UDemonietto Lamartiglio
 Daggerclaw Imp
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0033-e€ 0,50
34/62CDemonietto del Crepuscolo
 Dusk Imp
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0034-e€ 0,25
35/62CApprendista Smanioso
 Overeager Apprentice
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0035-e€ 0,25
36/62CDemonietto di Brassicacea
 Stinkweed Imp
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0036-e€ 0,25
non disponibile
37/62UImp della Fuliggine
 Soot Imp
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0037-e€ 0,50
non disponibile
38/62CGiullare del Demone
 Demon's Jester
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0038-e€ 0,25
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0039-e€ 0,50
40/62USpettro dell'Abisso
 Abyssal Specter
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0040-e€ 0,50
41/62CDemonietto Ghignante
 Cackling Imp
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0041-e€ 0,25
42/62RAngelo Caduto
 Fallen Angel
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0042-e€ 3,00
43/62RDemone Saccheggiatore
 Reiver Demon
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0043-e€ 4,50
44/62RKuro, Signore della Fossa
 Kuro, Pitlord
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0044-e€ 4,50
45/62CRito Oscuro
 Dark Ritual
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0045-e€ 4,50
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0046-e€ 0,25
47/62CForza Diabolica
 Unholy Strength
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0047-e€ 0,25
48/62UEditto Crudele
 Cruel Edict
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0048-e€ 2,50
49/62UTutore Demoniaco
 Demonic Tutor
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0049-e€ 7,50
non disponibile
50/62CEsilio Oscuro
 Dark Banishing
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0050-e€ 0,25
51/62UPossessione dell'Oni
 Oni Possession
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0051-e€ 0,50
52/62UBaratto di Sangue
 Barter in Blood
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0052-e€ 0,50
non disponibile
53/62UAbisso Prolifico
 Breeding Pit
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0053-e€ 0,50
54/62RPromessa di Potere
 Promise of Power
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0054-e€ 1,00
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0055-e€ 0,50
56/62USpirito Struggente
 Consume Spirit
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0056-e€ 0,50
57/62UCorno del Demone
 Demon's Horn
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0057-e€ 0,50
58/62CBrughiera Brulla
 Barren Moor
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0058-e€ 0,50
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0059-e€ 0,25
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0060-e€ 0,25
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0061-e€ 0,25
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0062-e€ 0,25
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0063-e€ 0,50
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0064-e€ 0,50
mint / near mintMG-DDCre-0065-e€ 0,50
C Comune   C-FA Comune Full Art   C-FA-FOIL Comune Full Art Foil   C-FOIL Comune Foil   U Non Comune   U-FA Non Comune Full Art   U-FOIL Non Comune Foil   U-FA-FOIL Non Comune Full Art Foil   R Rara   R-FA Rara Full Art   R-FOIL Rara Foil   R-FA-FOIL Rara Full Art Foil   M Mitica   M-FA Mitica Full Art   M-FOIL Mitica Foil   M-FA-FOIL Mitica Full Art Foil   L Terra Base   L-FA Terra Base Full Art   L-FOIL Terra Base Foil   L-FA-FOIL Terra Base Full Art Foil   T Token   T-FOIL Token Foil   MPS Masterpiece   CH Checklist   P Plane   S Scheme   E Phenomenon   
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#166 Un vincitore è semplicemente un sognatore che non si è arreso. (Nelson Mandela)